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What is organic farming?

Organic farming is a form of agriculture that relies on techniques such as crop rotation, green manure, compost, and biological pest control. "Organic agriculture is an ecological production management system that promotes and enhances biodiversity, biological cycles and soil biological activity. It is based on minimal use of off-farm inputs and on management practices that restore, maintain and enhance ecological harmony."

Why does it sometimes cost more?

Where there is a price difference, you are paying for the special care organic farmers place on protecting the environment and improving animal welfare. As the costs of farming with oil-based fertilisers and chemicals increase, the price gap between organic and non-organic is closing.

Do Organic standards put animal welfare first?

Organic standards put animal welfare first. As well as requiring that animals are genuinely free range, organic standards cover living conditions, food quality, the use of antibiotics and hormones, as well as transport and slaughter. These standards mean that animals raised in organic systems enjoy the very highest welfare standards of farmed animals. A healthy animal is better able to resist disease than a stressed one. Organic livestock farming aims to prevent disease from occurring by promoting health. This is achieved through appropriate diet, high welfare standards for housing, amount of housing space for each animal, and taking measures to reduce stress.


What are the principles of organic agriculture?

The Soil Association, its standards and activities, and the practice of organic farmers are all based on a set of internationally recognised principles. These principles are the roots from which organic agriculture grows and develops. They express the contribution that organic agriculture can make to the world, and a vision to improve all agriculture in a global context.

Agriculture is one of humankind's most basic activities because all people need to nourish themselves daily. History, culture and community values are embedded in agriculture. The principles apply to agriculture in the broadest sense, including the way people tend soils, water, plants and animals in order to produce, prepare and distribute food and other goods. They concern the way people interact with living landscapes, relate to one another and shape the legacy of future generations.


Why choose organic baby food - what are the benefits?

Put simply, organic food is packed with nutrients. A baby's digestive system is more efficient than that of an adult at absorbing foods, enabling nutrients to be used more quickly.

Why are organic textiles kinder, cleaner and better?

  • Organic fibres are grown without the use of harmful pesticides or genetically modified organisms so promote a healthier farm and environment
  • We don’t allow harmful manufacturing chemicals in organic textile production, so its better for local wildlife, animals and people
  • Social conditions are high in organic textile factories, and organic cotton production can help farmers find a way out of poverty
  • Animal welfare is at the heart of organic systems, so is better for animals growing our fibres
  • Our organic textiles don’t contain allergenic, carcinogenic or toxic chemicals

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